The space between you is actually where your relationship is with your mate & what you each bring to that space. Everything you say, the tone of voice, the body behaviour, the strained facial expressions. If you bring hostility & criticism, you can’t expect a loving response. Sure, you may be frustrated, angry & reactive & before you know it, the space between you has become filled with tension & as a result you both disconnect from each other. This is normal for the majority of us as the reactive part of our brain goes into fight & flight mode. However we say & do hurtful things that we haven’t always thought much about. Consider being conscious & intentional about bringing your best self to that space between, being mindful of how you can share your truth & feelings in a respectful way. There is a way to have a ‘safe conversation’ & expect a much better response which I will share with you next time.  JAC

Contact Julie to book a confidential appointment personally or via Zoom. Phone: ​0422 955 414

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